Chinese Rice quick and easiest recipe

Growing up, I've always been a fan of Asian movies and if you are too, you'll notice their love for food. A colorful one at that. My God, that's the highlight for me.

I finally decided to brave the waters and dive into making one of their meals. So I decided on Chinese rice or Special Egg Rice recipe if you will. I have to tell you, I was not disappointed😩 tasted as amazing as it looks.

This has been added to my list of favorite rice meals and I can't wait to share this recipe with you all.

Shall we begin? Let's start with the ingredients. Yum!!!

• Cooked Basmati Rice
• Carrot
•  Minced Garlic
• Sweetcorn
• Peas
• Celery
• Spring onions 
• Onions
• Sausages
• Eggs
• Green pepper
• Bell pepper
• Sesame oil
• Oyster sauce
• Dark soy sauce
• Light Soy Sauce

Let's start cooking; I gotta tell you, the aroma that filled my kitchen even before I started cooking was mind-blowing. 
-Prep your veggies like I did.
-Mix meat, sausage together with dark soy sauce. You can use Chicken breast as well. It depends on the type of protein you prefer.
Mix and set aside.

- Get your eggs ready. Add black pepper, salt, and whisk.
Now, things are about to get sizzling.
Set your wok or frying pan on fire, add sesame oil. You can use vegetable oil in place of sesame oil. Pour eggs into the wok and fry. You can scramble immediately you pour in or allow it to set before scrambling, whichever is fine.
Once that is done, set aside.

-Use the same wok, add more sesame oil, add in the mixed protein and fry till brown. This should all of 1-2minutes. 

-Add the minced garlic and onions and allow to fry for a minute.

Add your veggies and fry for 2-3minutes adequately.
Now, it should start emitting a sweet aroma.
-Next, add the pepper, celery, and spring onions. Fry as well.

- Now add the cooked basmati rice and the scrambled eggs. Stir.

- Add two tablespoons each of dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, light soy sauce. Add black pepper and salt to taste ( be careful with salt please, the sauces are salty as well)

- Stir nicely together till it's fully incorporated. If it's still not as dark as you want, you can add more dark sauce.

And voila, Asian rice is ready.

Who would have thought you could make this from the comfort of your home? Let me know if you would be trying this out. Dazzle your guests with this amazing meal when you have a get-together. 
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