Easy homemade coconut milk

Coconut milk is nutritious and certainly isn't common. It's easy to make and doesn't cost much. Quite a change from goat milk, don't you think?

So how do we make this, what do we need?

Flavor (optional)

- Shred coconut using this. It can be gotten in the market but I believe we all have this at home especially those who love Okro.
Once the coconut is shredded, it looks like this.
- soak in hot water, not overly hot and not too much
- blend the mixture in a blender. It won't be smooth.
-Get a sieve like the one for flour or a sack cloth used for pap. Sieve the coconut to get its milk. Repeat as many times as possible to get all juices.

 N.b: the amount of coconut milk is determined by the number of coconut you use.

- once its cooled, add vanilla flavor and stir.
- refrigerate and drink
* can also be used for cooking or baking.
* Refrigerate to avoid spoilage.

A very healthy drink..Sip away


  1. Coconut milk.
    Perhaps I will try this however, I must say that I don't like having coconut in my food be it bread or rice although I used to love beans+coconut+corn as a young boy attending a church like that.
    Best way I enjoy my coconut is eating it alone.


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